Something happened to me today...As I sat in my car, heat pumping, music playing, waiting for my tall Cinnamon Dolce Latte to be created, I was offered a choice.
"Someone paid for your drink!" - says the Starbucks barista (S.B.)
"Really? Wow!" -says me.
"Actually, people have been paying-it-forward for about 30 cars now..." - says S.B.
"Wow! How crazy..." -says me
"So, you have a choice...You can either get a drink for free; your lucky day! Or, you can pay it forward as well...and pay for the car behind you. Their total is more than yours... around 7-8 bucks." - says S.B.
I wanted to say yes. I so badly wanted to say yes. I believe in Karma, and that what comes around goes around...but I partly shocked myself when I said, "I will do it next time, I swear."
It might have been that I know I shouldn't be getting Starbucks at all...and that I personally probably pay their yearly income by how much I frequent that Starbucks. It might be that I knew I would get a lecture from my husband in disbelief that I spent over 7 dollars at Starbucks. Or that my bank account is slowly dwindling down and that I really need every penny I have so I can get to my sister's wedding...
So I was grateful that I was given the opportunity to have a free coffee drink. So grateful that I did not realize how selfish I was being...until I pulled away and took the first sip.
Even though the Barista told me not to feel bad, and that he totally understood, I felt bad. I felt horrible. So horrible that hours later I am writing a blog about it!
I arrive early to work and check Facebook really fast...The first wall post I see..."Do a good deed today."
You. have. got. to. be. kidding. me.
I look at my drink...Ugh! What was I thinking? I can't believe I did not say yes.
I'm sorry to the car behind me...I'm sorry to that Starbucks. I must look like a tool.
I learned my lesson...As crazy as it sounds, I learned a lot about myself this morning...
I am grateful for my free drink this morning, but even more for the opportunity to really evaluate some things.